If a window with an error message was displayed, please include the full text of the window, including the text in the title bar.What version of WinZip are you running? (To see what version of WinZip you have, choose the blue question mark (?) icon from WinZip's Ribbon.) Please include the entire "version" line in your problem report.The best way to report problems is to submit a ticket on. Technical support is available at no charge. Please see the section titled Frequently Asked Questions for answers to common questions.

The WinZip version and build number are displayed. What version of Windows are you running (Windows 10, Windows 11, etc.)? Click on the Help button, represented by a blue question mark () icon to open the About WinZip window.Is the problem reproducible? If so, how?.Reorder, add or delete pages and easily combine multiple document formats into a single PDF, then watermark, secure and share. Export a PDF to Word or image file, or create a PDF from any document. When reporting problems, please include the following information: WinZip PDF Express (Pro/Enterprise) A powerful, multipurpose PDF app that does far more than a basic PDF reader. The best way to report problems is to submit a ticket on our Support page. Click on the Help button, represented by a blue question mark (?) icon to open the About WinZip window. To check whether you have the most recent version of WinZip ®, please check the version of WinZip displayed on the WinZip home page and compare it to what you have installed.