Once the meter is maximized, a taunt will bring the wrestler into a sort of "rage" mode in which they can't be pinned or made to submit, their moves do significantly more damage and they can perform their devastating finisher. There is a momentum meter, however, which pulses more brightly and harder as moves and taunts are performed and gets slower and duller as damage is inflicted.

In the match itself, there is no health bar, but the wrestlers will begin to slouch, limp or hold a damaged limb. After grappling, the player can use A or B and the d-pad to attempt different moves.

Holding the buttons down perform stronger versions. A and B can grapple and strike respectively. Pressing these at the last possible moment before being attacked initiates a counter move. The D-pad is used to move, the control stick taunts, and the c-buttons can run and change targets. WWF WrestleMania 2000 used the AKI engine, previously seen in the studios prior wrestling games under the WCW brand ( WCW/nWo: World Tour and WCW/nWo Revenge) and as a result used many of the same buttons to perform the same moves.